Current projects
Do the production and drawing effects in memory share the same interaction with serial positions?
Do the production and drawing effects in memory share the same interaction with serial positions?
Sébastien GIONET, Sophia TRAN, Dominic GUITARD, Ph.D., Myra FERNANDES, Ph.D., & Jean SAINT-AUBIN, Ph.D.
Université de Moncton, University of Waterloo, and Cardiff University
Distinctiveness and Interference in Free Recall: A Test with the Production Effect
Sébastien GIONET, Dominic GUITARD, Ph.D., Marie POIRIER, Ph.D., James YEARSLEY, Ph.D., & Jean SAINT-AUBIN, Ph.D.
Université de Moncton, City University, and Cardiff University
The spatial production effect: Is embodied cognition the key?
The spatial production effect: Is embodied cognition the key?
Sébastien GIONET, Dominic GUITARD, Ph.D., & Jean SAINT-AUBIN, Ph.D.
Université de Moncton and Cardiff University